1. Running Quickstart

    This is the second in a series of short articles.

    Running is fun, relaxing, a great way to experience the outdoors, and good exercise. There are no shortcuts to getting better, you have to put in the work over months and years. Distance running cultivates long-term planning, consistency, and dicipline …

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  2. Code for Tomorrow

    This is the first of a series of short articles.

    Code for Tomorrow

    How do you know if your code is good? This is subjective, to be sure, but is clarified by answering a given question which sets the standard by which the code is judged. The most question being …

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  3. Happy New Year!

    Well it's been a while but I'm back at it.

    What have I been doing?

    Enough to keep me busy so without further delay here are the...

    Top Ten Things I've Been Up To

    In no particular order, here's a new Top Ten list.

    1. Fish Shell. It's delightful.

    2. PySpark

    3. Published …

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  4. How does this thing work?

    Updated: 2022-12-12

    Added a requirements.txt to capture dependencies and ported to MacOS.

    Updated: 2024-09-19 entry-point is the Makefile


    After 9 months I'm returning to this website. My first question was "How does this thing work?" Of course, I didn't document it and I don't remember. Lesson learned.

    The …

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  5. Thought At Hand


    We're all lazy, to so some extent, and prefer to think about things that are easy to understand. In order to keep your focus on what's important, recognize that people have this tendency to get distracted by what's easy. I don't have an advice beyond that -- you'll have to …

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